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Chiba Prefecture > Business > Results of Radiation measurements for seawater at Chiba Port
The radiation levels in the seawater at Chiba Port are being measured as a result of the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Measured once a week from August 8,2011 until the end of March 2021.
Measurements are scheduled to be taken once a month from April 2021.
In principle,measurements will be taken on Tuesdays. As soon as results of the survey have been determined,they will be posted on this website.
Chiba Prefecture(measurements are carried out by contractors)
The measurement result of radioation was not detected January in 2025.
※Radiation has never been detected since the start of the measurement.
If there are any changes in the measurement results, they will be posted again.
Radiation has never been detected.