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Foreign Languages > Chiba International Information Square - To foreign residents - > Chiba Nanohana News
Information about local events, attractions, and news sent straight to your e-mail.
Chiba Prefecture publishes a biweekly English language e-mail newsletter ("mail magazine" in katakana English), containing information on local events and destinations, updates on prefectural policies, and other useful news and information for international residents (and people living abroad who are interested in keeping up-to-date with happenings in Chiba). In addition to sharing information, we also hope that the newsletter will provide opportunities to build and strengthen networks among international and Japanese residents in the community. Please feel free to help us by sending any comments or suggestions you may have.
New Registration (External link)
When subscribing to our e-mail newsletters, please first enter a valid email address. Following that, check all the newsletters you would like to subscribe to and press the "Confirm" button.
After registration is complete, a notification will be sent to the email address you provided. Your password will be included in this email. This password will be necessary for any changes you would like to make your subscription (additions or deletions), so please make sure to keep a record of it.
Changes to Your Subscription (External link)
For additions to your subscription list or changing your email address
All e-mail newsletters from the Chiba Prefectural Government will be cancelled. (If you only want to cancel one, click on "Changes to your Subscriptipn" instead.)