主な研究業績 (論文、著書) |
- 杉本健太郎, 柏木聖代, 齋藤訓子. 新規開設した訪問看護事業所における地域に対する取り組みの実態とその関連要因. 日本在宅看護学会誌. 7(1)196-205.2018
- Sugimoto K, Ogata Y, Kashiwagi M, Ueno H, Yumoto Y, Yonekura Y. Factors associated with deaths in ‘Elderly Housing with Care Services’ in Japan: a cross-sectional study. BMC Palliative Care. 16(58)1-9.2017
- Sugimoto K, Kashiwagi M, Tamiya N. Predictors of preferred location of care in middle-aged individuals of a municipality in Japan: A cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Services Research. 17(352)1-8.2017
- Sugimoto K, Ogata Y, Kashiwagi M. Factors promoting resident deaths at aged care facilities in Japan: a review. Health and Social Care in the Community. 26(2)e207-e224.2016